Vitamin D is amicronutrient that helps in calcium absorption. Therefore, it plays an essential role in maintaining healthy bones. Well, in some cases, the body is unable to absorb these nutrients optimally. This leads to deficiency diseases in the long run (for example: ricket). However, if you already face muscle weakness and bone issues, get a Vitamin D blood test at the earliest. Moreover, this blog highlights about Vitamin D deficiency and discusses how it impacts overall health.
What are the common risks associated with low Vitamin D levels?
Low Vitamin D levels lead to several risks pertaining to cardiovascular health, cognitive abilities etc. Apart from these, it can also result in development of potential cancers, asthma and other lung problems. Recent scientific studies have shown that Vitamin D is greatly responsible for preventing diabetic conditions, high blood pressure, glucose intolerance and many more.
What causes Vitamin D deficiency?
A balanceddiet is very crucial for maintaining good health. This includes taking carbs, proteins and micronutrients in proper proportion.But sometimes we may not obtain the needed nutrients from our daily meals. In today’s busy lifestyle, individuals hardly care about the foods they intake. Often, it is seen that young adults are mindlessly binging on junk items. This causes overall nutritional levels to drop, including Vitamin D. Some other lesser-known reasons are:
Minimal exposure to sunlight
Our body synthesizes Vitamin D when the skin gets exposed to sunrays. Thus, it is often seen that people suffer from Vitamin D deficiency during winters. Also, those who live in closed and damped interiors face similar problems.
Problems with digestion
When digestive system gets impaired, it prevents optimal absorption of nutrients. Certain medical issues like Coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease and cystic fibrosis disrupt the normal functioning of intestines, thereby causing overall drop in Vitamin D levels.
Having a darker skin colour
Skin colour is determined by the levels of melanin present in the body. However, darker individuals often face Vitamin D deficiencies. This is due to the fact that increased melanin prevents the body to synthesize Vitamin D (even after sufficient exposure to sunlight).
Renal issues
Over the years, kidneys lose the capability of converting Vitamin D to its activated form. This in turn heightens the risk of developing deficiency diseases at a later stage in life.
How to increase Vitamin D levels?
Try adding foods that are enriched with Vitamin D; like whole grains, green leafy vegetables, milk products, eggs, fatty fish etc. Another universal source of this vitamin is sunlight. Thus, consider exposing yourself to sunshine at least 10 minutes each day. This increases Vitamin D levels in your body naturally. Normally, a daily requirement of 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) is recommended for adults.
How to determine Vitamin D levels in body?
Recent diagnostic procedures have helped a lot in knowing about micronutrient levels in the body. A Vitamin D blood test is one of them. It helps to check if there is any kind of deficiency associated with Vitamin D or not. Moreover, this helps in preventive care too. If a person has less than 20ng/ml, the doctor will recommend lifestyle and dietary changes to normalize Vitamin D levels.
Vitamin Dtesting- how does it work?
The most common procedure is a blood test. First the lab clinician injects a syringe into the vein (preferably from the arm) and draws a little amount of blood. Thereafter, the blood is collected in a air-tight container and sent for analysis. Typically, this process lasts for a few minutesand hardly inflicts any pain to the patient.
What happens after the test?
When the test is over, one needs to wait for the report. Aftercompletion of clinical analysis, it is delivered to the respective patient. The doctor then checks the outcome and informs whether Vitamin D levels are normal or not. He may also suggest medications and other treatment strategies for bringing equilibrium to the disrupted levels. Moreover, if the patient has other associated critical issues, the doctor may suggest specialist referrals for better evaluation.
How long one needs to wait for the results?
The time for result delivery depends upon a lot of factors. Primarily, it varies upon the type of test one has chosen for. Generally, the results are sent within three to seven days. Moreover, private clinics provide confidentiality while sending the test outcome. One can also have the option of unreported results. These typically consist of vital information and remarks from the respective doctor whom one has chosen.
Is it possible to take a test on own?
Yes, it is. Now-a-days, there are many self-testing kits available in market. These offer convenient blood collection at the comfort of one’s own place. Moreover, one can easily get the result checked by lab professionals.
Is a self-test accurate?
Many a times, improper handling of blood sample leads to incorrect results. Also, there is a high chance of contamination when one tries to test by himself. Therefore, it is best to consult a professional and not use home testing kits. There are many private health clinics offering cost-effective testing services. One can easily get in touch with any of them and book a slot at the earliest.
There are several private healthcare clinics in London that offers affordable Vitamin D blood tests. If you face prolonged musculoskeletal issues, try opting any of the available services before it gets too late!