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How to do SEO for beginners?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, a marketing strategy that improves your website’s organic visibility in search engines like Google and Bing ¹. Here are some key aspects of SEO ² ¹:

SEO basics:

  • Crawl accessibility so engines can read your website
  • Compelling content that answers the searcher’s query
  • Keyword optimized to attract searchers & engines
  • Great user experience including a f
  • ast load speed and compelling UX
  • Share-worthy content that earns links, citations, and amplification
  • Title, URL, & description to draw high click-through-rate (CTR) in the rankings
  • Snippet/schema markup to stand out in SERPs
Crawl Accessibility: Ensure that search engines can read your website and find the content.
Compelling Content: Provide content that answers the searcher’s query and meets their needs.
Keyword Optimization: Use relevant keywords to attract searchers and search engines.
User Experience: Ensure a great user experience with a fast load speed and engaging UX.
Link Building: Build high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to increase credibility.
Title, URL, and Description: Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and URL slugs to draw high click-through rates.
Snippets and Schema Markup: Use schema markup to provide additional context and make your content stand out in search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO categories:

  • On-page SEO: This includes all the actions you can take within your website to optimize it for search engines.
  • Off-page SEO: This includes all the actions you can take outside of your website to optimize it for search engines.


  • To harness the traffic source’s potential by ranking higher in search engines.
  • To appear in the top search results for your target keywords.
  • To create relevant content that is literally among the top 10 pieces on a given topic.
  • To rank well in Google by creating content that is high-quality, unique, and relevant.
  • To provide a great user experience by making sure your website meets usability standards.

Here are some steps to follow for SEO for beginners ¹ ²:

Step 1: Learn the Basics

  • Learn about SEO and its importance.
  • Learn about the different types of SEO: On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, White-hat SEO, and Black-hat.
  • Learn about keyword research and its importance.
    Step 2: Understand Your Audience
  • Identify your target audience.
  • Understand their search intent.
  • Learn about E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trust).
    Step 3: Optimize Your Website
  • Make sure your website is crawlable.
  • Use relevant and high-quality content.
  • Optimize your website’s structure and design.
  • Use meta tags and structured data.
    Step 4: Build Links
  • Learn about link building and its importance.
  • Build high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites.
  • Use internal linking to help search engines understand your website’s structure.
    Step 5: Monitor and Analyze
  • Use analytics tools to track your website’s traffic and engagement.
  • Monitor your website’s ranking and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.
  • Use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance.
    Step 6: Stay Up-to-Date
  • Keep up with the latest trends and updates.
  • Learn about the latest algorithm updates and how they affect your website.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and guidelines.
    Step 7: Use SEO Tools
  • Use SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz to help with your SEO strategy.
  • Use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance.
  • Use tools like Keyword Tool and Ubersuggest to help with keyword research.
    Step 8: Learn from Competitors
  • Analyze your competitors’ websites and identify areas for improvement.
  • Learn from their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to analyze your competitors’ backlinks and content strategy.
    Step 9: Create High-Quality Content
  • Create high-quality and relevant content that resonates with your target audience.
  • Use content marketing to attract and engage with your target audience.
  • Use tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to help with content creation.
    Step 10: Be Patient
  • SEO is a long-term strategy that requires patience and persistence.
  • Don’t expect overnight results.
  • Keep working on your SEO strategy and adjusting it as needed.

How to do SEO in marketing?

SEO in marketing involves the following ¹:
Understanding how search engines work
  • Crawling: Search engines use crawlers to discover pages on the web by following links and using sitemaps.
  • Rendering: Search engines generate how the page will look using HTML, JavaScript and CSS information.
  • Indexing: Search engines analyze the content and metadata of the pages it has discovered and add them to a database (though there’s no guarantee every page on your website will be indexed).
  • Ranking: Complex algorithms look at a variety of signals to determine whether a page is relevant and of high enough quality to show when searchers enter a query.
  • Audience research: It’s important to understand your target audience or market.
  • Keyword research: This process helps you identify and incorporate relevant and valuable search terms people use into your pages – and understand how much demand and competition there is to rank for these keywords.
  • Competitor research: What are your competitors doing? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What types of content are they publishing?
  • Brand/business/client research: What are their goals – and how can SEO help them achieve those goals?
  • Website research: A variety of SEO audits can uncover opportunities and issues on a website that are preventing success in organic search.
  • SERP analysis: This will help you understand the search intent for a given query (e.g., is it commercial, transactional, informational or navigational) and create content that is more likely to earn rankings or visibility.
  • Setting goals and expectations.
  • Defining and aligning meaningful KPIs and metrics.
  • Deciding how projects will be created and implemented (internal, external or a mix).
  • Coordinating and communicating with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Choosing and implementing tools/technology.
  • Hiring, training and structuring a team.
  • Setting a budget.
  • Measuring and reporting on results.
  • Documenting the strategy and process.
Creating and implementing
  • Creating new content.
  • Recommending or implementing changes or enhancements to existing pages.
  • Removing old, outdated or low-quality content.
Monitoring and maintaining
  • You need to know when something goes wrong or breaks on your website. Monitoring is critical.
Analyzing, assessing and reporting on performance
  • If you don’t measure, you can’t improve it. To make data-driven decisions about SEO, you’ll need to use website analytics tools.
Here are some SEO tools that you can use ¹:
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: Check the speed and usability of your site on multiple devices
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools: Run a technical audit of your site
  • Answer the Public: Hundreds of keyword ideas based on a single keyword
  • Google Analytics: Complete web stats and search insights
  • Google Search Console: Constant website analysis, alerts, and error reports
  • Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker: Comprehensive link analysis
  • Google Ads Keyword Planner: Know what people search for with this free keyword research tool
  • SERP Snippet Optimization Tool: Preview how your web pages will look in Google’s search results
  • Google Trends: See the relative search popularity of topics
  • Ahrefs’ SEO toolbar: Check the broken links, redirect chains, nofollow links, and on-page elements for any webpage
Here are some on-page tools that can help you with your website ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵:
  • Best all-inclusive on-page SEO platform
  • Robust software suite
  • 50+ intelligent data-driven tools for both on-page and off-page SEO
  • PPC advertising, social media management, plus market research
  • Features: Keyword analytics, Site audit, Position tracking, Log file analyzer, SEO content template, Content audit, Content writing assistant, User experience analysis
Google Search Console
  • Best free on-page tool
  • Provides on-page SEO metrics
  • Formerly known as “Webmaster Tools”
Screaming Frog
  • Best site audit tool
  • Robust crawling capabilities and extensive analysis features
  • Identifies issues that affect on-page SEO
  • Generates detailed and customizable reports
SE Ranking
  • Best on-page checker
  • Compares web pages to 94 different parameters
  • Provides practical suggestions to fix issues
  • Presents the backlink profile of the site
  • Features: Website audit, Competitor analysis, Keyword suggestions, Local Marketing Tools
  • Best log file analyzer
  • Analyses site’s interaction with different search engine crawlers
  • Delivers critical insights, including optimization strategies, crawl inefficiencies, and how they affect site’s performance
  • Features: Real-time log file processing, Crawler tool, Simulates search engine crawling with a high degree of accuracy
  • Best broken link checker
  • Features: Site audit, Keyword explorer, Content explorer, Rank tracker
  • Support system: Robust, offers assistance through various channels
Microsoft Clarity
  • Best heatmap tools
  • Generates detailed heat maps, which visually represent where users are clicking, scrolling, and interacting the most on a webpage
  • Features: Session recordings, Privacy-friendly, Responsive support team
He is a professional blogger with 5 years of experience who is interested in topics related to SEO, technology, and the internet. Admin goal with this blog is to provide you with valuable information.